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Brazil Tech Award 2019 was presented at Smart Export Forum organised by Czechinno in Prague


Darlan Moraes Jr, from New Option and the Associate Partner of LatamTech.UK in Brazil presented the Brazil Tech Award details during a major event promoted by the Czech Republic Agency of Business Development Czechinno in the 19th of June, 2019.

"It was amazing to see how many attendees were interested to know more about Brazil and the opportunities for innovation" said Darlan. The event was part of the roadshow promoted by the Brazilian Embassies in Germany, Russia and Tcheck Republik this year. The event was organised in cooperation with the partners of the CzechInno Association and CEEInno, the Central European Platform for Digital Innovation. After series of regional thematic events from the cycle named Digital Revolution CZ, this was the first major international event of the platform, which aims to popularize and cultivate the implementation of digital innovations in business practice and everyday life.

The territory of interest of this year’s Smart Export Forum is Latin America. The event generated cooperation offers from a new innovation platform recently created in Lima, Peru, subsidies for the entry of Czech innovative companies into the Brazilian market through involvement in the Brazil Tech Award, news on the digital transformation of the Mexican economy and businesses and their transition to Industry 4.0 principles, or fresh information about Colombian candidates for smart cities technology collaboration. From the Czech side, the best of what is new in Czech small and medium-sized enterprises and research was introduced. There are 6 very promising technological areas, such as artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, cyber security, 3D printing, effective implementation of robotics in corporate and supercomputing, and work with large data.

More than 40 speakers from 8 countries attended the event. For more information click at



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